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ARIS Online Portal

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ARIS Online for Families: Support Your Child’s Learning at Home

A Flexible, Research-Based Curriculum for Early Learners and Children with Autism

ARIS Online makes it easy for families to support their child’s learning at home with a flexible, research-backed curriculum designed for early learners and children with autism. Whether you're looking for interactive digital lessons or a combination of hands-on materials and online resources, ARIS provides everything you need to build your child's essential skills. With access to detailed lessons, assessment tools, and a complete library of training videos and guides, ARIS Online offers a go-at-your-own-pace solution, tailored to your child’s unique needs.

Streamline Student Progress with ARIS

An integrated system for continuous assessment, personalized lesson placement, and efficient data tracking

ARIS creates a continuous feedback loop—from assessment to lesson placement, paired IEP goals, and data tracking—ensuring students stay on track while keeping records accurate and up-to-date.

Try our interactive demo now!

Best viewed on desktop. For mobile, full screen horizontal will provide a slightly better experience. 

Recognized for Excellence in Education!