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Language Builder Online Digital Education Platform

Language Builder Online

for Early Autism Education

The next evolution in digital learning
from the makers of the See.Touch.Learn. App and 
Language Builder autism curriculum

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Language Builder Online makes delivering quality language lessons easier than ever by bringing our popular Language Builder cards to your fingertips! Perfect for teaching language skills to preschoolers, children with autism, or related language delay, and those first developing basic language and vocabulary skills.

With over 10,000 vocabulary and picture cards, the Language Builder Online is the digital evolution of our award-winning Language Builder series, a staple in early autism education for more than 25 years. The lessons are specifically tied to Stages existing, research-based curriculum which follows a logical scope and sequence, covering the language, pre-academic, social, and self-help skills critical to student development.

By offering teachers and parents a way to engage in flexible real-time lessons that they can adapt to their student's level of engagement, we can provide a tailored education in the classroom, and when students need additional practice outside of school or therapy. 

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To Learn More

Send us a message, and we will set up a time to discuss the new Language Builder Online Digital Education Platform.