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December 2019 Newsletter

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STAGES NEWS: Our Most Popular Blogs from 2019!

12 Popular Games Adapted for Children with Autism

Play is often described as the “work” of childhood, where children can make friendships, learn social skills, come to understand expected group behavior, consequences, turn taking, and cooperation, not to mention have some fun! Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can reap these same benefits by playing games with other kids, though many do not naturally gain the aforementioned skills simply by being exposed to games or other play objects, as might their non-disabled peers.

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11 Strategies to Help Your Child with Autism Develop Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are the coordination of small muscle movements. Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements in our eyes, wrists, hands, and fingers. Many everyday tasks require strength, dexterity, and fine motor skills. Fine motor skills need to be learned and developed as children get older.

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The Most Popular Action and Movement Songs for Children with Autism

Many classrooms use movement and action songs as a way to help young children take a break from quieter learning activities or to transition from one activity to another in the classroom. But action songs also serve to help children with special needs learn how to gradually build up to participating in group activities in the classroom and these songs can also promote language development, gross motor skills, and emotional development.

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Four Ways to Make Your Backyard More Autism Friendly

Playing outdoors has huge implications for all children. Many researchers cite outdoor play as being a conduit for decreased stress levels, emotional resilience, increased cognitive functioning, increased attention, as well as a host of other sensory-motor, emotional, and social benefits.

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Creating a Yoga Practice for Children with Autism

Yoga, an ancient practice that originated in India, is today a term familiar across most of the world. Those who’ve experienced the practice may be familiar with its benefits of relaxation and overall improved physical health. Did you know, however, that exploring yoga with a child with autism can help him or her improve mobility, spatial awareness, coping skills, and even contribute to self-confidence?



Autism in the News:

How pregnancy may shape a child's autism

Spectrum News, December 5.

Even after her first child, Shane, was diagnosed with autism last year at the age of 2, Melissa Patao knew she wanted a bigger family. She was aware that any other children she had would have high odds of being diagnosed with the condition — estimates suggest that about 20 percent of siblings of autistic children also receive a diagnosis — but she was more than willing to take the chance. Read More ...

The huge issue that most autism research funding ignores

Washington Post, December 14.

Bryna Siegel is an expert on autism who has long been controversial for her blunt talk and unconventional views about the disorder. In this post, she is as blunt as ever, arguing that most of the money that goes toward autism research is not helping families deal with the disorder — and why that should be made a focus. Read More ...


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Warm Regards,

Angela Nelson


President, Stages Learning Materials